“A very special artist who is giving us a narrative in her music that is hard to come by. Brightness swirls with melancholy… poetic lyrics and unconventional style. There’s just something wonderfully inventive about it all” YorkCalling
Billie Maree is a songwriter, musician, and producer who draws inspiration from the complexities of human emotion and writes it into music. Billie crafts without the confines of a genre. Their work reflects influences from their love of electronic textures, organic instrumentation and expansive production.
Having released their self-produced EP, “We Belong”, in 2023 (featured on BBC Introducing), they have been developing their sound. Billie has played shows and festivals around the UK, where they put together a five-piece live band to give their songs the full impact they deserve. The lineup consists of Violin, Drums, Bass, Guitar, Piano/Synth and three-part harmonies.
As well as performing live, Billie studies music production in college and spends most of their free time crafting music from a home studio in Devon. Billie is set to release plenty of new music in 2025.
Their current style can best be described as a blend of alternative folk and ethereal electronic with a refreshing flare of compelling and imaginative songwriting. Billie has been likened to London Grammar, Florence and The Machine and Daughter.

Live Videos
Billie Maree’s Debut EP, which was released in 2023. This showcases their earlier work with more of a folk-esque feel.
Billie’s latest release, follows their journey into ethereal electronic pop. Recorded and produced by Billie in their home studio.